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Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories

Lifelong Texan, love reading from many genres thanks to early childhood readalongs with my Dad, love cooking for my family, working in my yard, playing with my cats and since being diagnosed in late 2012 with RRMS finding ways to keep body and mind active is even more important.

Witches Be Burned: A Magic & Mayhem Novel

Witches Be Burned: A Magic & Mayhem Novel - Stacey Kennedy The intense passion Kyden and Nexi have for each is off the charts but the clock is ticking as Nexi finds herself to be irresistible to allies and enemies alike, her potent blood a siren song to any vampire she comes in contact with.

This becomes an unexpected asset at one pivotal point in she and Kyden's ongoing investigation of the murdered Guardians.

However it also paints a target on Nexi that once again almost costs her life, the end result of which nearly drives Kyden beyond despair.

I liked the different elements that make up this story, once again though the romance between Kyden and Nexie is a big focus and well worth looking forward to as they struggle to come to terms with each other over boundaries of personal safety. However neither is willing to give less than their best as Guardians and this makes for some conflict that they have a hard time coming to terms with.

All in all the second book was as well rounded as the first and look forward to continuing series to see where the author takes us to in the next book with Nexie and the rest.

Full review closer to release.