Book Info
E Book, expected release 8/5/14
ISBN 139780989850735
edition language English
other editions None found
Source:Netgalley EARC
Book Buy Links
***Coming Summer 2014***
For more information, visit the official website:
Meet 14-year-old Sean Malone. He has an IQ above 200, a full-ride scholarship to one of the country’s top universities, and more than one million dollars from his winning streak on Jeopardy! However, Sean wishes he could just be normal.
But his life is anything but normal. The US government manipulates him, using him as a codebreaker in pursuit of a drug lord and killing innocent people along the way.
For reasons related to his personal security, Sean finds himself in Rome, building a new life under a new name, abandoning academics, and hiding his genius from everyone. When he’s 18 he falls in love. The thrills begin again when he learns that his girlfriend is critically ill and it’s up to him to use his intellect to find a cure, a battle pitting him against a multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical company and the demons of his past.
Elixir is a story about identity, secrets, and above all, love.
My Thoughts
First thought when contacted by
author to see if wanted to read the book for review was it would be a nice change of pace to have a young male lead, plus it sounded interesting to find out more about the premise of the book after reading a few other people’s thoughts. Grabbed a copy pre approved from Netgalley and promised to share my thoughts before end of June.
The book exceeded my expectations, to be quite frank it was one that I even read while eating as could not stop until knew what was coming next for Sean.
The mixture of suspense, fast paced action, intrigue and finally romance worked well to keep me seated as each new chapter revealed more of just how far from normal Sean’s life really became!
When the teenager transitioned into young adulthood and fell in love at 18 was of course the catalyst for change that catapulted readers into a whole new level of tension, especially when his girlfriend became ill and Sean (now James Crater) frantically put his efforts into first formulating than creating a cure for her to take before it was too late.
It was a wonderful thrill ride with many elements combined to make it all the more exciting, the personal growth that Sean went through was intense at times as he had a lot to deal with. The supporting cast, including the villainous Dante, added dimension to round out Sean’s ability to think on his feet and the ending brought us full circle in a way that finally allowed him to come to terms with his lifelong struggle to understand that he was truly given a useful gift rather than a burden of being smarter than everyone else around him.
[EArc from Netgalley in exchange for honest review]