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Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories

Lifelong Texan, love reading from many genres thanks to early childhood readalongs with my Dad, love cooking for my family, working in my yard, playing with my cats and since being diagnosed in late 2012 with RRMS finding ways to keep body and mind active is even more important.

Riding on Instinct (Wild Riders Series #3)

Riding on Instinct - Jaci Burton Being this is book three in a series there is a lot of back story about the "Wild Riders" that I am not privy to since missed reading prior books, that being said it really did not matter as the story featuring Spence King and Shadoe Grayson stood on its on merits to me.I have been a fan of Jaci Burton for a long time, each tale that she pens has an edge that appeals to me even when at times it is beyond my comfort zone. Truth be told the world of strip clubs and those who patronize them as well as work in them has always seemed sleazy to me. This book did not change that attitude but it did give me a new understanding of certain aspects of the atmosphere as well as a better idea of the difference between an amateur and a professional stripper.While all that was interesting it still was hard for me to grasp the ability of any man to be able to stand by and watch while a woman he had feelings for exhibited her body in front of a crowd of other men. It also was beyond me how the woman in question followed through while professing to fall in love with that same man.Despite those reservations I enjoyed the story, the setting once we reached New Orleans really appealed to me as it is one of my favorites to read about, the characters were nicely complex, the plot line was well paced and executed in a believable manner and the interaction between the primary and secondary characters in this story added some additional interest especially those times when Spence and Shadoe took center stage with their relationship.All in all the book was one that intrigued me and kept me reading to find out how everything turned out in the end, it will be however the only one I read in the series simply because there are certain issues I feel will color my judgement negatively and affect my enjoyment of reading to the point it would become a chore rather than fun.