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Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories

Lifelong Texan, love reading from many genres thanks to early childhood readalongs with my Dad, love cooking for my family, working in my yard, playing with my cats and since being diagnosed in late 2012 with RRMS finding ways to keep body and mind active is even more important.

Tempted (Alex Kennedy, #1)

Tempted (Alex Kennedy, #1) - Megan Hart I have been wanting to read Tempted ever since I first read the book blurb about 6 months ago! Color me excited when my used copy came in the mail Monday and finally sat down Tuesday to read the story...Author Megan Hart created a heart wrenching look into marriage and family and all the trials and tribulations we face. I was amazed, touched, angry, happy, sad, laughing and crying throughout reading this very deep and very thought provoking book! What would you do to provide happiness to the person who means the most to you in the whole world? What would you do to keep life on an even keel for your family? I think the ending of the book was not perhaps quite the resolution that I was hoping for, however given the choices faced by Anne it was the best one for her...I have to say that this one is a must read for those who enjoy realistic stories straight out of the lives of people who could be the neighbors next door, your very own relatives or friends you have known for years and never dreamed faced the kind of issues that are handled in this book!