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Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories

Lifelong Texan, love reading from many genres thanks to early childhood readalongs with my Dad, love cooking for my family, working in my yard, playing with my cats and since being diagnosed in late 2012 with RRMS finding ways to keep body and mind active is even more important.


Private - Maxine Paetro, James Patterson As others have pointed out this is neither the best nor worst book that I have read by the author, would have rated it higher if story had stuck to one plot point instead of being split into many. Also have to say that Jack Morgan is an ass, albeit a smart, clever and charming one.The series has potential, the idea of what can be accomplished by a firm like Private is very intriguing to say the least, another easy read from one of my favorite go to authors for a bit of mystery suspense reading.