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Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories

Lifelong Texan, love reading from many genres thanks to early childhood readalongs with my Dad, love cooking for my family, working in my yard, playing with my cats and since being diagnosed in late 2012 with RRMS finding ways to keep body and mind active is even more important.

Only Mine (Fool's Gold Series #4)

Only Mine - Susan Mallery Contemporary romance is something I keep going back to lately, now after reading my first story featuring Fool's Gold California I want to move there myself. This was a very relaxed plot that started off centering around the reality television show that was basically a way to bring Finn Anderssen into the picture after his younger brothers told him they were going to be on the show.I have to say that once Finn and Dakota Hendrix took front and center their relationship was easy to believe in as it developed slowly from friends to lovers to actually at the end being in love. It was awesome to meet all the characters that inhabit the town as they rallied around to support Dakota when her dream of adopting came true halfway in the middle of the book and she went from childless to single Mom with a six month old daughter almost overnight. There is much more in this book than just a fictional romance, there is also family loyalty and such an honest feeling that in this fictional town one could live a full and happy life knowing that friends and neighbors always have each others back!A lovely read that is full of genuine emotions that the reader can share with the characters every step of the way as if they were a part of the story as it unfolds. Just like a good movie or a soap opera episode it was sad to see the end come but since this is the first book in a trilogy about Dakota and her sisters we can look forward to enjoying more adventures in Fool's Gold another day.